Building Healthy Communities from the Ground up

Support Solar For All!

CEJA’s Solar for All bill (AB 1990, Asm Paul Fong) needs your support. The bill will be heard in the Assembly Utilities and Commerce committee on April 23rd. Please send in a letter of support today!

Many of California’s most vulnerable communities have not seen the benefits of our booming green economy, yet have suffered the most from the health effects of nearby power plants & dirty energy industries. Meanwhile, high unemployment and high poverty rates continue to soar. Disadvantaged communities deserve to be part of the green economy too. Solar for All (AB 1990) will promote development of rooftop solar in disadvantaged communities, creating real opportunities that produce new jobs, and build cleaner, safer, healthier neighborhoods. Read the Solar For All Fact Sheet.

We need your support letters! Below is a sample. Please fax it to (916) 319-2151 by MONDAY APRIL 16th

and send a copy to CEJA Co-coordinator Strela Cervas,

Sample AB 1990 Support Letter


Assembly Member Steven Bradford

Chair, Assembly Committee on Utilities and Commerce

State Capitol, Room 5136

Sacramento, CA 90301

Fax:  (916) 319-2151

Re:  AB 1990 (Fong) – Solar for All – SUPPORT

Dear Assembly Member Bradford and Committee Members:

On behalf of [insert organization], I write to express our strong support for AB 1990 by Assembly Member Paul Fong, the Solar For All Initiative.  [insert your org’s mission/short description].

California leads the way in developing robust renewable energy policy with the potential to create thousands of green jobs.  Unfortunately, California’s most vulnerable communities – those that have suffered first and worst from dirty energy industries and nearby power plants – have not benefited from existing renewable energy policy.

AB 1990 helps address this gap by creating a pilot program to install solar in the most impacted and disadvantaged communities through clean energy contracts (long-term, fixed rate contracts) with a preference for local hire.

AB 1990 creates local green jobs, revitalizes neighborhoods, and gives people some control over their energy future.  AB 1990 will ensure that disadvantaged communities are not left behind in the new green economy.

We urge your support for AB 1990 when it is heard in your committee.



cc:            The Honorable Paul Fong, fax (916) 319-2122
