Building Healthy Communities from the Ground up

Tell Legislators to Invest in Clean, Equitable Energy for California by Increasing Renewable Energy to 50% by 2030

Our members are working everyday for energy equity.

From Southern California to the Central Valley, we are driving clean energy projects and investments into the communities that need it the most. But in order to succeed, our state needs to make a big commitment to renewable energy so low-income communities and communities of color can have clean air and living wage jobs.

Tell your legislators that you want to see California increase our use of renewable energy to 50% by 2030.


Low-income communities and communities of color have been on the frontlines of fossil fuel pollution for decades. We live next to dirty power plants and suffer the worst impacts of vehicle pollution. Our communities have the highest rates of unemployment and suffer from historic disinvestment from local government. Today we have the opportunity to transition away from fossil fuels and breathe new life into our most vulnerable communities that have been impacted by pollution.

The best investment we can make in California’s economy is to ensure that all Californians grow up in Healthy Hoods: neighborhoods where the old polluting industries have been replaced with clean, community-based, renewable energy.

New laws in California will ensure that our state continues its transition to a clean energy economy. In his inaugural address, Governor Brown voiced his support for ramping up renewable energy to 50% by 2030 and now state legislators need to hear from supporters like you to make this goal a reality. We believe that together we can ramp up renewable energy to revitalize our economy and power up Healthy Hoods.

Tell legislators to increase our use of renewable energy to 50% by 2030.